Quick Tips for Sweet Dreams

One of the best things you can do for your body and mind is get a good nights sleep. While the traditional “8 hours a night” may be under question, you should always wake up feeling rested and fresh for the day.

• Try a nice hot drink to help you relax before bed. I’m loving chamomile tea right now, but during the winter I go for a hot chocolate.
• Share your bed with a blanket hogger? Get a king size duvet and they’ll be plenty of cover for everyone. No more tug of war.
• Television, laptop and phone screens give out blue lights, which make your brain think it’s day time. Cut them out of your nighttime routine where you can. Where that’s not possible use a filter like Flux to block out the blue light and help you sleep better.
• Change your mattress. Springs digging in at night don’t only keep you awake, they can also induce nightmares.

What are your top sleep tips? What’s your favourite bed time drink? What do you do to switch off in the evening? Let me know in the comments!

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Running again!

We’ve been having some really lovely weather in Dublin over the last few weeks. It is perfect weather for running. It is sunny and bright, not raining, not freezing but also not too hot to run. I’ve been enjoying jogging along the sea front three times a week. Last year I was far to scared to run this popular trail, figuring I would be judged for how unfit I am. Now I’m healthy enough to jog to the end of the walkway and back without stopping (though I am pretty slow, last week I was overtaken by a fast walking man). Thankfully I’m realising that people are far too wrapped up in their own lives to even notice what I’m doing.

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Makeup Shopping Hygiene

A lot of you probably know a few of these dos and don’ts of cosmetic shopping but I still see a few people taking big risks with their health whenever I go shopping so I thought I would share a few tips. You might even learn something new.
Testers are put out so you can get a better idea of the colour and texture of products before you buy them. They are not there to give yourself a free makeover before your night out. Some products, like mascara, don’t put out testers at all. This is to discourage people from putting testers on their eyes and then suing when they get a nasty eye infection. Never put testers or open products anywhere near your face. You can catch cold sores from a lipstick, and once you have the cold sore virus you are stuck with it for life and will get them over and over again. Test products on your hands and arms then wash thoroughly. We are so lucky to live in the internet age. Do a Google Image search for a product and you will see tons of beauty bloggers who have tried it out for you. Find one with a similar complexion to you (I love fleurdeforce). Odds are, if you like it on them, you’ll like it on you.
The only time to put testers on your face is when a consultant does it for you. The majority of consultants are very professional and hygienic, but it’s always a good idea to keep an eye open to make sure your consultant is using best practise. Before putting anything on your face, your consultant should clean her hands, especially if she’s been handling cash. Many will have hand sanitiser on the counter, so watch out for it. Money is filthy and you don’t want that bacteria on your skin. Your consultant should use clean brushes on your skin. Watch out for brushes that have traces of product from a previous customer (it’ll be most obvious on foundation brushes) and don’t be afraid to speak up. Tell her you have time to wait if she needs to clean her brushes. When applying lipstick a consultant should take colour from the side of the stick, that has been untouched, using a cotton bud or spatula, before applying to a brush. Most counters use small disposable lip brushes, a fresh one for every customer. They’ll even let you keep the brush if you ask nicely. The same goes for mascara. They will keep a large collection of spoolies and keep mascara testers under the counter, away from customers grubby hands.
Purchasing Products
Only buy products that are completely sealed. Some cosmetic companies do not seal their products. In this case my local Boots will tape these products closed. I won’t buy anything if this tape looks interfered with. If in doubt, ask if you can have a fresh product that hasn’t been on the shelf. Explain your hygiene worries to the sales assistant and they should be pleased to help. They frequently see what happens to unsealed products. If all else fails, order online. Then you know your product is brand new and untouched. Boots lets you order and collect in store for free.

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