It’s not the horse you need to worry about!

The news in Britain and Ireland has been full of the horse meat scandal for weeks. First burgers, then lasagne! No food is safe!!!

Apart from the fact that it’s only affecting ready meals. Ready made burgers, ready made lasagne  in all the major supermarkets and supposedly in some fast food chains.
Horse meat has been eaten for centuries, and is still regularly eaten in many countries around the world. Although it’s not nice to find something unexpected in your food, it’s not really going to do you any harm. What is going to hurt you is the salt (or sodium content) of those ready meals. One single serving Tesco lasagne contains 47% of your daily recommended salt. That’s the recommended salt intake for a healthy person. That allowance almost halves for people who are middle aged or have high blood pressure. The burgers do better. One burger contains 13% of your salt allowance.

There’s an answer to this problem of not really recognising what goes into our food. Do you know what it takes to make a burger? Shape mince meat into a burger shape and grill it. Salt content? Approximately 3%. You can also customise your own burger: choose your size, add onions and a surprise cheese centre. It only takes a few extra seconds!

Consider cooking your own food, and stop relying on ready meals. Your body will thank you, and you won’t have any more nasty surprises.