Cajun Chicken Gumbo

So yesterday evening after playing with WordPress for hours trying to get rid of the flipping “About” button I gathered the energy to start considering making dinner before OH came home. I looked at recipes for chicken burgers, then realised we had no burger buns but stumbled across Cajun chicken burgers. This led me to look for Cajun chicken recipes and I found Cajun chicken gumbo. You can check out the recipe here.

Came out delicious and served over some plain boiled rice (cooked in a microwave, a trick for another day). I didn’t have the Cajun spice mix described but I did throw in 1 tsp dried basil, 1 tsp paprika and about half a raw chilli (chopped). The red of the chilli added a bit of extra colour to boot. Its nice to have some basic jars of spices because you can make all sorts with them! Supermarket “spice mixes” for chilli, shepard’s pie and other basic dishes are way overpriced. Look at what actually goes into them and pick up the basic spices instead (plus garlic and onions). It’s a larger initial investment but saves over time, tastes nicer and leaves you with a real feeling of accomplishment that you have made something from scratch 🙂

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